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Street Crime And Rapid Response (SCARR)
Lt. Richard Stroud
Office (252) 559-6100 ext. 6145
The Street Crimes and Rapid Response team (SCARR) was created in 2023 to rebuild a relationship with the citizens and involve them in changing their communities to rid their areas of crime and nuisances. SCARR works with neighborhoods and communities to offer a one on one relationship with SCARR deputies to identify problems that plague their areas.
SCARR completes their assigned duties through two techniques:
SCARR deputies enforce all laws including city and county ordinances, traffic laws, misdemeanors and felonies against persons who are causing problems in a specified high crime area. This is accomplished through consenual encounters, traffic stops, driver license and DWI checking stations and zero tolerance enforcement campaigns.
SCARR works closely with animal control, narcotics detectives, criminal detectives, state law enforcement agents and federal law enforcement agents to accomplish their task of ridding areas of crime.
Are you interested in starting a community watch for your area? If so, please contact one of our SCARR deputies so they can provide you with insight and directions to gathering your neighbors to accomplish your desires to have a safe and crime free area.
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